Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What is m00g00?

m00g00 is spelled with zeros because someone took all the other domains.

m00g00 is named after Moo Goo Gai Pan, the dish, because I was hungry and the urge to create a blog came along  at right about lunch time. 

I also figure the name is easy to remember. (e.g. Google)

The mission of m00g00 is to inform you why Asians are cool. Simple. Some sites focus on the travesties and racism against us. I just want to provide a pat on the back. Positive Chi only. I want people to know the cool things we do. I want Asians to be proud. Once we are proud then we can get motivated (or angry) about all the other issues. I believe that is the key to true activism, and true change. But a lot of us Asians are so divided...

When something bad is done to us we don't join together to do something about it. What if there was an Asian version of Rodney King? Where's our Reverend Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton? How many Asians do you expect to line up outside of the white house? A small group that could probably get confused for a lost tourist bus. 

The thing is we do have a case like Rodney King--- Ever heard of Vincent Chin? Google it. 

We do have Asian's sticking up for us--- Helen Zia a veteran. age

But it's not enough. Why do we hear static and resonance about fear of the rise of power in China? Because when we Asians put our minds to something- WE GET SHIT DONE.

And thats the point. Once we finally break through our shells we can be stronger. It's already happening, but we need more. Look at hollywood and commercials as just a small glimpse into our movement- more Asians now. I mean we still get minor setbacks (e.g. the gay asian man in "The Hangover"), but we still have our John Cho's and Grace Park's stealing the show(s) along with many others.

My point is we Asians now have more resources, there were no blogs when MLK was around and look how strong their community is. I, like many of you I'm sure, get more of your news from the web than TV or radio anyway. 

So my main point is:

We need some change.

I argue that we need pride first, to make that change happen. When people are proud they put their heart into something. Simple! (And we can't just be Korean proud or Fillipino proud or Indian proud- we ALL gotta be proud!)

m00g00 should help contribute to your knowledge and awareness of pride inducing news and accomplishments.



In a manner that my man Bruce might express, "The art of being ignorant without ignorance..."

What you say B.Lee?!

We have to be less ignorant of our issues and our people's actions to be able to have pride and let everyone know! Let everyone know we got an Asian Victoria's Secret Model! Go on with your bad-self Jarah! 

I mean you may argue that it's annoying, immature, or unnecessary to be so flamboyant with our accomplishments. No need to brag. Humbleness is the only completely positive sign in the I-Ching, but but but... still! Thats the old Asian way that always holds us back! We need to find a happy medium so that people can start taking us more seriously.

So in conclusion, let's celebrate a little and let's move forward, proud, so that we defend and lift ourselves up to make a noise that can be heard all over the world. From the heart not your ass.

Word. m00g00.

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