Some of you may be wondering who Mr. Nguyen is. He is not a movie star or music artist. He is just a man with drive, desire, and determination who has a goal set and a purpose behind it.
"I owe to America so much, and I don't have any talent at all," Nguyen said. "I have two legs and a heart. So I decided to walk across America to give thanks to her." -Nguyen
It's hard for me to imagine having that type of patriotism. He doesn't necessarily fit the "look" as to what most believe is an "American". Maybe because I know that- that's why I don't care as much. Maybe thats why so many minorities feel separated or non-American (even if they were born here). They figure the odds are against them, but they can still get their piece of the pieeven if they are not given credit as part of the group. I think America to a lot of people, has become a tool rather than a home, even today.
How many people really think about how patriotic they are? Half the time it seems the news or media is disagreeing with America's decisions. But why can't we always feel united? What makes John Smith more American then Nguyen?
I think what makes this special is that our view of American is often so clouded. Nguyen is an Army and National Guard veteran. He loves America. He is walking across it in memory of those who served.
It's poetic. It's powerful. It's humbling.
And it doesn't matter what color you are to feel that. If you live here you are in debt to feel that way. And I'm glad an Asian can show our country that we can feel this type of respect and honor as well.
Carry the flag Sinh Tho Nguyen. m00g00.